

Does anybody know how to squeeze more hours into the day? I could use them.
  1. 7am wake up
  2. get ready for work, breakfast, pack lunch
  3. work 9:30 to 4:30 (got to leave early)
  4. 5:30 appointment
  5. grocery shopping, housework
  6. practice and write
  7. work on cd mailings
  8. brainstorm band marketing ideas
  9. breathe... it's a good thing I don't have kids
  10. work out and go for a walk
  11. chill for a little bit
  12. go to bed at midnight
  13. Lather, rinse, repeat


  1. less sleep and hold your breath more....that's my trick...great to see your blog and I will be following it.

  2. Oh my goodness!
    Our days are alot alike!

    My theory... cut out the grocery shopping... you'll be amazed at the stuff you'll find to eat!

  3. AH yes my days are much like yours! I don't normally leave my house for work and I've got a kiddo running around my house. I find if I stay up late I get more things done... so my trick is less sleep. However I do get a few mornings that I can sleep past 7am and those mornings are my fav! :)
